A flag football program for girls and boys
ages 4 through 9 that teaches the fundamentals of football, sportsmanship, and Christlike behavior.
All 4F functions will take place at Fresh Faith Community Church of the Nazarene.
2024 Skills/Draft Day will be Sunday, August 25th 2:00-4:30 PM. This allows coaches to evaluate and make proper placement of players based on skill level to ensure safety.
NEW THIS SEASON: Updated draft process for team selection. We received your feedback and we have made some improvements.
All coaches & 4F leadership are screened and will have current background checks.
Questions/Comments: Email us at freshfaithflagfootball@gmail.com
2024 Registration CLOSED
Participation fees will provide shirts/jerseys, belts, flags & other necessary equipment.
Parents/guardians must provide: mouth guard, cleats, shorts/pants for player.